Showing posts from 2015
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Lets be clear, It is no longer acceptable, this business as usual, politicians bought and paid for, the corrupt Elect and Special agenda... The Corporate States of America has replaced The United States of America. Too many frivolous laws and Lawyer's like Snake Charmer's infecting this nation. Does not matter what party you subscribe to. In the Days of General Marius, and Sulla, there were the 'Proscriptions', which basically cleaned house, removing all and any undesirables from positions of influence and power. Assets seized, and Order ultimately restored to the Republic. Today the Bribery of Public Officials is shamefully Rampant, and Laws passed which Extort the Taxpayer. The working class are being eradicated, but regularly harassed & threatened, as they are told, You will do this, or else"! Meanwhile the Corrupt Elect figure out new ways to Rip off everyone, including this Nations Wealth, including but not limited to WAR. WAR, WAR... Who can Ma...
What Is A Warrior
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You're most likely asleep, I feel you anyway. The radar is good this time of night. Years ago I began using the term Warrior when supporting folks going thru tx. I sincerely doubt I was the first, but I needed a word-they needed a goal, an ideal. Most of you know the story, I just sort fell into a large void, full of desire and absolutely no idea how to put it to use. I was guided to this keyboard, blessed with the right words at the right time. I would finish with someone and think back, realizing I had the right words at the right time. It is truly amazing how easily people will suspend disbelief when they are ill or weak. The beauty of the word Warrior is its fluidity, it defies a solid definition. Warrior was an idea woven through life and literature. Think I started with Le Morte D'Arthur by Sir Thomas Malory. For those of you not burdened with a Catholic high school education or a degree in English literature, it consists of the definitive collection of the tale...
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18808.1 Hello "OOB" and readers it's a beautiful morning, and I've finally come to grips with all of our sad news of late. Opening the day with a glimmer of hope is what we strive for. So many lovely friends and family members have come here and stayed for many years, you get to know someone so well, and fall in love with them, time after time. We are blessed to have them in our midst, and we cherish every single one. We all know that death is a part of life, and we'd accept it better if everyone could live out their lifespan without hep c calling the shots. But it happens all too often and we do the best we can to keep our heads up and our spirits engaged. Every fallen Warrior makes it personal, very personal because it could have been prevented. Heaven has gained a whole lot of Angels, I pray for them even after they are gone, it's a part of my grieving process to feel they are in a better place. Everyone...
March 2015
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From Lou Buratti Inspirational Quotes With My Painting Every flower must grow through dirt. -- Anonymous Worrying is like a rocking chair, it gives you something to do, but it doesn't get you anywhere. -- Anonymous Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work. -- Aristotle We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit. -- Aristotle Motivation will almost always beat mere talent. -- Norman R. Augustine Imagination is the highest kite one can fly. -- Lauren Bacall Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced. -- James Baldwin I don't know anything about luck. I've never banked on it, and I'm afraid of people who do. Luck to me is something else; hard work and realizing what is opportunity and what isn't. -- Lucille Ball The great advantage of being in a rut is that when one is in a rut, one knows exactly where one is. -- Arnold Bennett Having ...
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So I crawl out of my hole this Am to be buried in drifts of whiteness, so much wind your face stung just to shovel five feet through a five foot drift, hey this is New England, we are proud of our toughness, passed down from generations of rebels, many who started the itch that began the revolution! And we stand on the cusp of a new revolution, one to create fairness in healthcare, equal care for all, not just the rich, or the very poor, just the sick and the equal, as we are all equal.....whether its Hepc or another battle, the treatment of all is not a varying standard anyone fair minded person can accept unless its the same for all. Many have to wait months or years to get seen, one might think its conspiratorial , waiting for the dreaded low life to die for lack of funding and yet the CEO's are making so many millions of dollars to sign some papers. Perhaps they are smart? Perhaps lucky, I don't really know. I am certain there is a great deal of unfairness in ...
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Good morning my friends, I hope your week went well. I did something rather unusual yesterday. I put up a fence to expand my garden for the upcoming spring. That’s right, in the middle of January, I’m putting up a fence! I’m sure my neighbors thought I was nuts, especially since I had to dig through a snow drift just to get it set up. Good thing the panels were pre made! You know what was cool? I actually enjoyed it very much. It put my mind in a wonderful place full of flowers and green things filled with life even as I worked on what is now a deceptively barren landscape. I saw the things that would be growing there and it was a wonderful image to project in my minds eye. My wife smiled as I set up my plans for this new and amazing garden that lived alone in my mind. To me in a way, it was so real! I could almost smell those flowers and taste the very vegetables that I hadn’t yet planted. Life was s...