What Is A Warrior

 You're most likely asleep, I feel you anyway. The radar is good this time of night.
Years ago I began using the term Warrior when supporting folks going thru tx. I sincerely doubt I was the first, but I needed a word-they needed a goal, an ideal. Most of you know the story, I just sort fell into a large void, full of desire and absolutely no idea how to put it to use. I was guided to this keyboard, blessed with the right words at the right time. I would finish with someone and think back, realizing I had the right words at the right time. It is truly amazing how easily people will suspend disbelief when they are ill or weak. The beauty of the word Warrior is its fluidity, it defies a solid definition. Warrior was an idea woven through life and literature. Think I started with Le Morte D'Arthur by Sir Thomas Malory. For those of you not burdened with a Catholic high school education or a degree in English literature, it consists of the definitive collection of the tales of King Arthur and the Round Table. Think he was the first to combine the tales and added a little of his own. Think he was in a French prison for awhile and needed something to do. Arthur and the Knights were Warriors of a traditional sense, physical prowess and strength and the occasional battle of conscience. Later comes Thoreau, Castenada, Sun Tzu, and many more. The warrior in them runs deep if you know where to look. I've strayed a bit, rambling, I'm afraid. (the down side of little sleep). First and foremost during treatment, especially a rough one, people needed to believe. If you've been truly ill, you know the importance of believing in yourself, belief in something greater than yourself as well. The Warrior analogy took shape, was easy to hold on to. Together we would build the definition. I was a little tentative at first, I didn't wan't it to seem like a role playing game, but folks allowed themselves to play along. We want to envision being stronger than we feel. To visualize, even escape momentarily, and one finds there is power to be gained. To gain that small foothold of control brings you the cloak of the Warrior. Your determination becomes your shield, your faith in yourself and powers greater than yourself become your sword. The Table, your goal. Escapism, perhaps. One should be able to escape the penitentiary we find ourselves in, if only briefly, to rest, recharge and reflect. Warriors come in many forms. We can only truly call ourselves Warriors if we have tried with our very essence to succeed. Never to fear failure or defeat, for in defeat, we truly learn our enemy and only than can we earn victory( my apologies to Sun Tsu ). I love how it has become such a weighted word in our world. Warrior. We nod when we hear the word. We bow before Warriors greater than ourselves, yet never fear locking eyes. A Warrior will recognize another Warrior. No words needed. Life handed us something special. I'll leave it to each of you to decide how, whether good or bad, but never deny the special. We have walked where few will tread. We are Warriors, we are Family. A Warrior will give you their cloak for warmth, their shield to ward off the elements, our swords to show the world we will not surrender. Forward.
Enjoy the extra time. That time came with a price, a sacrifice. Use that one day for something special. Honor the Warriors who have come before us. Act as a Warrior-you could be called a lot worse. Be safe. "Leave No I Love You Unsaid, No Hug Ungiven." Peace, Oldhair.

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