Oh, I know how quite a few of you are forging forward. May that always be everyone's direction, destination. The holidays come and everything seems to be in warp drive, whether it really needs to be or not. We can put up all the fronts we want, but I truly believe its an emotional and often stressful time for many. We've survived 100% of them so far, we'll survive the next as well. A wonderful, joyous and often stressful time. Too much packed into far too short a period of time. Christmas everyday would be boring, but stretching out that " goodwill towards fellow man " attitude could do wonders for the world. Just tired and dreaming is all, no harm in entertaining the idea. Take your OOB grin with you ( Coreen will be checking ) and your ability to love with you where ever you go. Reminds me of an old Randy Newman song, " Simon Smith and His Amazing Dancing Bear ". Its hard to have a bad day after that little tune. At least I can remember crap from 45 years ago, thats a plus, I guess. Be someones warmth, someones sunshine. There is no way to do it badly.

This damn rollercoaster just never seems to stop, our lot in life-from one challenge to the next. You just keep putting out life's fires. The last thing we need is to be restricted, held back in our efforts to move on with our lives. That's your baggage you feel behind you, I do believe that forgiving yourself is the biggest hurdle to lightening that load. We've all made mistakes, thats a given, many of us have made our amends and do our best to move on. How long are you going to blame yourself once you've acknowledged the error of your actions? If you've survived this long, it wasn't to exist and suffer. That makes no sense. We learn in the program that there are a lot of things you'll never make right, but you have to acknowledge and try your best, its all you can do. Forever responsible for every transgression and I'll pay anytime asked but we have to work so very hard at not punishing ourselves any longer. Acknowledgement and acceptance should be enough. It is enough, the trick lies in convincing ourselves. We've earned and deserve a good life, it will never come if we constantly look over our shoulders. You'll often find others have forgiven you long before you have forgiven yourself. Don't worry kids, I fight these demons all the time. On occasion you won't be forgiven- you make an attempt and move on. I wish it was easy to decide when enough was enough. We didn't survive to be miserable-none of us deserve a hell on earth, we've been there. The real beauty lies in seeing all the struggles, all the roadblocks, and the gratitude that somehow seeps through. We stop mid pity party and recite our blessings. We've learned where we don't belong, stay away. Nothing to be gained. We learned long ago, we aren't perfect-excuse yourself and move on. You have earned and deserve it.

Everyone please stay safe with winter storms coming. Keep you energy focused on our dear friend Chuck. Continue to make this a better world to live in as you all have made my world a better place.Keep spreading the love-it was meant to be passed on. " Leave No I Love You Unsaid, No Hug Ungiven ". Peace, Oldhair.

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