..Good morning Facebook Family heart emoticon

Here we are in a land of broken dreams, hearts, spirits, and in the throws of everyday communication. Here we are in the house of the rising sun, waking up with the blessing of another day, another chance to move mountains.
I for one am very grateful to share a little piece of my heart with you.
Winter blues and melancholy looms an inch above our heads some days, God please help those suffering with old scars that our family carries.
Let them know we love them so.
All we have to do is pray.
Send me an Angel, to comfort and restore our love and appreciation for having life, life is not exactly what we had dreamed of, it can be cold and cruel, this brings underlying depression to the surface for some of us, do not allow it to ruin the whole day, it can be cleansed, washed in a pool of deep thought and understanding. Let the pain go down the drain.
Everyone has their limits, and I pray for those boundaries to be broken today, focusing on how high we can go today, because feeling low is robbing our family of their joy, the ultimate joy on earth pales in comparison to the joy of flying with the angels, laying hands on hearts and souls in hopes of awakening the beauty we were all born with.
Change us today, right now this minute, into children of healing and children at play.
Restore the child in us all, heal our family.
We need to be lifted above the humanness in order to feel the spiritual healing.
We are but mere mortals that have the power to accept our circumstance and turn it into massive power to help the ones that suffer in silence.
Send me an Angel to hold our loved ones in an embrace that can be felt over the miles.
Distance is nothing to an Angel, we are together, thank God we have each other to rely on.
Bless our family with abundance and overwhelming joy today. With all my love; Kat

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