He's Got The Whole World In His Hands

 Saturday Evening Come Join Us  November 11th  2017
We will all be in a  "Live" chat room. and you are cordially invited 

 Enjoying each others company this Saturday 9:00 p.m. est. 

  "The OOB COMEDY ROOM  Delphi Forums, celebrating the heavenly birthday of our best friend and mentor to thousands of people that needed help and love, when they were taking the horrific drugs, to hopefully kill the hep c virus.
  This man Louis Gene Buratti Jr. missed his real calling as the funniest man on the planet, and he knew it. 
 Instead he focused on helping as many people as humanly possible. Myself included. 

 I've only known one other person that shared that magnetic attraction with everyone. His name was "Wolfie" 

 People followed them, like happy little campers, laughing , so hard it was like being on stage for a bit, just getting to know their personality,  it was a learning experience and a total blessing to be around, still is to this day.  The most important part of fighting for your life is to find people that that make you laugh. Ladies, I would suggest Amy Shumer on Netflix ! You simply cannot feel bad, whilst laughing your butts off, that goes for all you Men, going through any type of chemo , you must look outside of your pain, get to the " Funny Farm" on our site. That guy has been with us  "OOB" thirteen years ! 

 Daryl Simpson, a Canadian Comic, with thousands of the funniest jokes online.  They were the best together.   Coreen Kerr another Canadian comedian, has faithfully kept our home open for thirteen years. with her awesome quotes from all over the world.  We love you ! Very funny Lady.  When Lou passed, in 2008 it dawned on me, why he so intently trained me all about our sites, I thought it was his way of keeping in touch. But he was doing this for a purpose, and I believe he knew how hard I fought to stay positive 
 I'm hep c cured and I have to thank God first, chemo, and all the people that freely answered questions and that bond you create with a treatment buddy is priceless.

 Today we have our Alaskan Greg Wigren at the wheel, and he is the most gentle genius I've ever known. He came into our home the same time Lou passed, I knew from experience, and training, that this man, had that quiet deep thinking brave sweet soul, and he is still keeping us entertained and balanced after going through six years of TX , I was physically drained, and God sent Greg ( Old Hair)  Thank God for the very ground you walk on . He wrote this to me today and made me cry.

 My response was kind of a quick scroll type answer, your words have been with me since the first reading, and deserve a better comment. Such a shining example of the power of your words. Words don't have to be pretty,rhyme or even be spelled correctly. You never fail to convey your passion for the cause and the family, your empathy and compassion. You've always been the spark and the glue. We worry about the same things, have seen the miracle cure ( which in the old days might just have well been a unicorn) see the needy deprived of it, and realize we have made no headway in the amount of those now living with the Dragon. On the surface, one might ask " what was it all for ?". Beneath the surface, we don't even need to ask. Every one of us was meant to be exactly where we were. The only time in my life, I knew with out a doubt, that I was doing exactly what I was meant to do. There was something burning inside that others desperately needed. Lou recognized you were somewhere that you might wither, that you needed to find your voice and he brought you there( now here) you were cultivated and groomed to be ready when the time came. That day came and you learned to carry on. The devotion I observed turned out to be well founded. We've never let this disease define us. We recognize it certainly helped form us, but define us, never. That's why we're still here. It became a way of life by becoming alive on our love and our tears. Yes, the best of the best. That's what you'll find here. We're not living in the past that binds us, we're living in the now with so many we never dreamed would be part of our lives. We don't need to be big. This is not a contest, but a concept. We can get each other thru anything. Try that in a group of 1,200. 300 even. Not a putdown, I just find something here I've never found elsewhere, and it isn't my first rodeo-nor yours. So nice to see your heart speak and your fingers dance. Forever my Queen. Your humble knight and servant. Oldhair. :)

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