Happy Chat "OOB" Delphi Forums Everyone Welcome
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Hello "OOB" and our readers
thank you for stopping by
Ready to relax, write some, and hopefully
re-capture your heart
we are all in the same situation
dealing with the ravages of hep c and cirrhosis.
My goodness we have been here forever it seems.
Then again TX (treatment) made so many years slip by
I have little recollection of
Always been one with little sense of direction
took the scenic route most times
and enjoyed finding my way home.
This time warp is not fun, I want to get off this ride :)
We adapt to the world around us so well.
We learn to hide information that could possibly hurt
our children and grandchildren, because
most of the the population
still doesn't know what it is.
Shame today, so many young kids are
getting into iv drugs
and the infection rate is skyrocketing
because they don't realize the consequences.
We didn't realize it either.
Self medicating, self destruction, no hope or faith.
Suicide, murder, the young are looking for an escape.
We've got a president that bought his way into office.
Men in power are running like guilty horse thieves
since blowing the sex scandals out of the gutter.
I like seeing the guilty ones squirm.
They will be brought to justice
No one wants to get caught, protecting any of them.
Not going any further on that subject
but here we are today
most of us are hep c free
and yet we still find the old comforts of home base
" Hep C Out Of Bounds"
and our friends and foes living with the same
Do we compete for friends? ha not.
The best are already here !
You come into "OOB" and there is still a mystery
a love that has no expiration date.
Freedom to write anything you want, and loving people
will answer you.
Come Chat with us.
Next Saturday November 11th 9:00 p.m. Eastern.
I can't wait to see everyone like the good old days.
Thank you !!! I hope to meet new friends as well !!!
Happy Birthday
To: Lou Buratti Jr.
The Founder Of Hep C Out Of Bounds .
Kat / OOB 2017