First Post 2018 Greg Wigren "Alaska "


Saturday 01/06/18

So here we are once more. Always a pleasure, even during stormy seas. First D.O.S. of the new year. May it be a good one for everyone. I'm not going to lie, last year wasn't one of the best and I know I'm not alone. A lot of it is just life, I'm not immune any more than any one else. An early HCV mentor summed it up as well as anyone. " Why me? Why not me ", when his latest test results came back after having tx fail again. A lot of things hit close to home for many of us, yet here we are. Our duty as survivors is to feel. Not survivors remorse, that's baseless and pointless. Our job is to live as well as possible and carry memories, not squander the success we have earned. To a better year for all of us. If you had a great year, there's always room for improvement. You are here because you carry the spark that refuses to die. The embers of hope and the faith in tomorrow. Let's do it to it.
During the holidays we get bombarded by tons of corny crap, trite sayings time sensitive attitudes. Piercing my filters was a word, actually several words, on a green background. Gratitude. We don't all start our days the same. In general, my wife greets each day with a clean slate when possible. Me, my eyes open and my first thought is " ah shit ". Depression can be like that. There is generally a degree of control, there are choices I can make. It's quite easy to make the wrong ones.
Back to gratitude. The proposition was in developing the attitude. No matter what one may be going thru, there should be something to be grateful for. Find three, maybe it's challenging, maybe it's easy, but find at least three. Keep a journal, make an entry everyday. List what you are grateful for. It opens the door to acceptance, where peace resides. No, I haven't started a journal yet, but I do think about what I'm grateful for. Give myself a steady diet of the good-stave off the drip, drip, drip of the negative around me. Quit fighting that which is out of my control. When am I going to learn? Hell, I start every day with a bagful of life to be grateful for, but get too blind to see. Yes, definitely the wolf you choose to feed. Everyday starts with three I've earned. A grateful addict, alcoholic and yes, HCV survivor. Battling a few demons before having to tackle the Dragon definitely gave me a few tools. How can one be grateful for all the pain, disruption and grief created living these lives? It's not all that hard. It brought me to where I am today, where I am right now-here. All in all, not a bad place to be. There may have never been a fork in the road, only one path to follow. What a long, strange trip it's been. To be here counts more than you ever know. Work comes early, one of those nights I could go on and on. Ah, something to be grateful for, I'm about done.
Take care, everyone battered by the weather. Hurry isn't an option at times like these. Don't take chances, please stay safe.
 Leave No I Love You Unsaid, No Hug Ungiven ". Peace, Oldhair

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