Happy 2019


Saturday 12/29/18

Welcome Everyone, my last chance to be with you for the year. As with every year before, it's been an honor to be part of your weekend, to be involved in a portion of your life. I'm the one that needs you. For that there is immeasurable gratitude.

Most of us have been around the sun enough times to know it really isn't any big deal. What's time, other than something we are running shorter on with each passing day? We have to wring these because we probably squandered too many in the past. Don't be harsh on yourself-you're not alone and we don't need to waste time on it now, we wasted it then. Choosing to change doesn't need a new year, merely a deep desire to be a new you, we are always a work in progress if we don't surrender.
I won't gush about the fresh, new year, same as the old years. ( Butchering a little " The Who " on that one. ) Time to turn a new leaf or any of that happy horseshit, to paraphrase a friend, is coming from my fingers. It will be another year of aging, worrying, losing friends, illness and whatever else comes our way. Golden Years, my ass. Another lie you have to outgrow, oh well, used to it by now. Truly, everything you knew was wrong-sure hope I didn't pass too much of it on, lol. No whine, just the reality, like I thought we'd all live forever ?( where's the sarcasm font ? ) My life or your's, in it's own way will experience what life has in store. We'll meet it head on because of who we are, what we each have become through what brought us together. We'll meet it with our best, to us, there is no other way. We'll share the pain and the joy where Warriors meet.
Don't worry, I'm not that pessimistic, just realistic. What you might call a pessimistic optimist. Plan for the worst and if it's better than that, throw a party. We wish you and yours all the best. Cherish each day. Make habits that are good for you and good for the world. Keep it simple and work to succeed. The smallest of ripples change the world around us, toss a few pebbles. We don't need to say farewell to the year, we say farewell to each day. Maybe we merely survived, maybe it was a wonderful day. It was a success, regardless the outcome, because you'll start each day with hope, to try again or out do the day before. As a wise man said, " Aim high, you'll surely fail numerous times. If you never shoot for the target you are guaranteed to never hit it." May the next 365 " nows " be kind to you and all you hold dear.
" Leave No I Love You Unsaid, No Hug Ungiven ". Peace, Oldhair

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