
Showing posts from March, 2010

Daily Opening "OOB"


"The Daily Opening Spread"

Daily spread is right _ I just spend a few mins looking for the dot (daily opening thread) wondering if I was loosing it, but then I realized I already lost it and found it again, on wards and upwards. I am thinking of one thing when I see daily spread and it isn't jam on toast, what about you? The freudian slips are all over , rover. Spring is the frisky season I suppose. Like we need an excuse anyway it's here, we're here, oob is still here , the internet still works -it can't get any better. It's Sunday too - the day so good they named a desert and a dinner after it so let's make it a good one ,it's the best of times and/or the worst of times , dickens_ its up to us to try and make it the best. Be smart, play a cool hand, keep a clear head , be nice , dont take no bs from any neanderthol though, stand tall , be firm and tender depending, and get out there and do your best-astro people of OOB, the planet is depending on you, it really is. Well thats me don...

" Another Winner "

Good Mornin' Winners, how's that time change thing workin' out for ya this mornin'? At least I think it's mornin', first they rob an hour from ya in the fall and then give ya back what's yours to begin with, a lot like the tax_man. At least they can't touch my INTERNAL clock, anyway that's so mixed up, I have been a night owl for ages and that's why this spring ahead /fall on yer arse stuff is like small potatoes, i been falling and springing all my life, duckin' and dodgin' as the Brits say, survivin' which is why I found OOB and why it's such an HONOUR to be one of the crew who get to sneak up and yell" WAKE UP" at you sleepy heads, or better still to threaten with a glass of cool water on the face if ya's persist in slumber!!! It's an honour period, the highlight of a life of not knowing the time and not really caring and ALWAYS being on time...cause as OOBERS we are never late since we are in our own time zon...

Teach Your Children Well

An amazing evaluation of acceptance and growth. I think many of us relate to the "past" when we all did the same sort of damaging behavior that we have had to swallow and own up to it's a part of growth and excellence training Always focusing on the here and now is what we strive to teach but never forgetting where we came from is just as important The scales tip to the present time and our mission here, to give our advice and unconditional love to anyone that comes into our home looking for a safe haven away from the critical world that would just as soon lose us without even caring how wonderful people that we are, their loss they will come when it hits their own home and when they read your message of acceptance and growth hopefully it will shed light on their hearts and touch their soul as well Accepting : faults-actions-thoughts-betrayal-self pity-mistrust-anger-worry-hatred-abandonment all the while recognizing the problems exist and are continually re-evaluated and...

TrashCanPoet Effect

"POWERED by GOD" No matter what we are wearing in chat all of us expose our true hearts, our beliefs, our expertise, our experience, and our compassion for each other while laughing at the jokes and sharp witted Mensa bus window lickers playing silly games to make people laugh and wanting to be around us because it makes them all feel better , and then we have some that love to cuss and even that feels good after you try it ha haa haa ! (I didn't do it) The same thing is true when you read back in the folders and find the jewels from fallen warriors and also my friend, the fallen angels too... They are back in the archives people like us that simply didn't have all of the new meds that are becoming available but they fought the battle like valiant solders and warriors, we took the torch and we are running harder and faster toward the finish line 80% cure of active hep c rates coming I can feel the roar of our warriors that were here before us cheering us along the wa...



~Shining Stars~

Shine on ! Show the world we are here because we know how it feels to be alone and afraid fearing even telling our own families about this nasty disease It's natural human and animal instinct so deeply embedded in our psyche to choose mates with the strongest genetic background possible to ensure the future generations will excel and be smarter, taller, more beautiful live longer When a lion is on the hunt it naturally senses and stalks the weakest antelope in the pack so it is an easier kill I relate survival of the fittest between human and animal since we are all animals but the human brain is equipped to rationalize the difference We have the God given blessing of tapping into our experience good or bad and consciously making the changes necessary to make life as good as we can for ourselves and our families The weakened antelope has no further recourse other than hide or starve to death, we are blessed with the will to survive and even torn by hep c and all of it's extra h...