"The Daily Opening Spread"

Daily spread is right _
I just spend a few mins looking for the dot (daily opening thread) wondering if I was loosing it, but then I realized I already lost it and found it again, on wards and upwards. I am thinking of one thing when I see daily spread and it isn't jam on toast, what about you?
The freudian slips are all over , rover.
Spring is the frisky season I suppose.
Like we need an excuse anyway it's here, we're here, oob is still here , the internet still works -it can't get any better.
It's Sunday too - the day so good they named a desert and a dinner after it so let's make it a good one ,it's the best of times and/or the worst of times , dickens_ its up to us to try and make it the best. Be smart, play a cool hand, keep a clear head , be nice , dont take no bs from any neanderthol though, stand tall , be firm and tender depending, and get out there and do your best-astro people of OOB, the planet is depending on you, it really is.
Well thats me done and I mean stick a fork in _done. See you on the other side.
Oh I can't resist- yep , it's yet another-yawn- you tube I beg you not to watch, lol, reverse sickology at work.
Sorry I just cant resist making these up.this is a bogus movie trailer...

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