" Another Winner "

Good Mornin' Winners, how's that time change thing workin' out for ya this mornin'? At least I think it's mornin', first they rob an hour from ya in the fall and then give ya back what's yours to begin with, a lot like the tax_man. At least they can't touch my INTERNAL clock, anyway that's so mixed up, I have been a night owl for ages and that's why this spring ahead /fall on yer arse stuff is like small potatoes, i been falling and springing all my life, duckin' and dodgin' as the Brits say, survivin' which is why I found OOB and why it's such an HONOUR to be one of the crew who get to sneak up and yell" WAKE UP" at you sleepy heads, or better still to threaten with a glass of cool water on the face if ya's persist in slumber!!! It's an honour period, the highlight of a life of not knowing the time and not really caring and ALWAYS being on time...cause as OOBERS we are never late since we are in our own time zone-OOB Standard, and that's whenever and where ever chat is in session, which means our day really starts at 10pm...oh it gets complicated , makes one of special posts read like a Superman comic. So that's about it , the message remains the same, and should you require any further info or are REALLY bored,check here for furthur info... and then burn or swallow your comp like mission impossible style, ya can't be too carefull!!!
Oh and see ya next time,and dont forget to smile. And no a smirk is not a smile but will do in a pinch!
" Crow of OOB"

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