Teach Your Children Well

An amazing evaluation of acceptance and growth.
I think many of us relate to the "past" when we all did the same sort of damaging behavior that we have had to swallow and own up to
it's a part of growth and excellence training
Always focusing on the here and now is what we strive to teach
never forgetting
where we came from
is just as important
The scales tip to the present time and our mission here, to give our advice and unconditional love to anyone that comes into our home looking for a safe haven away from the critical world that would just as soon lose us without even caring how wonderful people that we are, their loss they will come when it hits their own home and when they read your message of acceptance and growth
hopefully it will shed light on their hearts and touch their soul as well

Accepting : faults-actions-thoughts-betrayal-self pity-mistrust-anger-worry-hatred-abandonment
all the while recognizing the problems exist and are continually re-evaluated and restructured when we accept the responsibility that most of
this behavior is one huge pattern
that has followed us this far in life
haunting us until we begin throwing the secrets away
it makes you vulnerable
and also makes you stronger
than ever before
We must accept our journey
in order to grow from the mistakes
Wonderful lesson and growth experience for anyone who reads this
When this is achieved then it is time to build our passion and dreams to make our lives more positive and focused
It's time to take inventory
and you see the patterns of turmoil and sadness
in your life
thrown away
Let it go and you can rebuild a much better future for yourself and your loved ones.
Kat & "OOB"

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