Dream On

Well here we go again.
Step right up and try your luck at the wheel of fortune, the great Mandala.
As luck would have it , found a nice place to inhabit, called the OOB. How was your week? Best week ever in many ways.
Think positive, visualize, prayerise and actualise- see me feel me heal me?
MMM, works for me, every time. Don't forget to thank your/our lucky stars for all the breaks we oobers have been getting, and more to come Can you feel the heat?
Top of the world Ma!
Take this job and shove it, party on OOB,
let's get our collective freak on!
'Woot Woot' and
'Stamp out Silence',
'Get 'er Done' and
'Turn on, Log In, Drop Out' ,
some common OOB e_spressions_ ok thats enough now, I am off to sleep, perchance to dream of you, OOB!!!
Have a good, no scratch that/GREAT one!!!
Until the next one, see you around the premises.
Crow "OOB"

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