The Garden By: Chuck

In nature, it’s natural selection that determines these things but in a garden it just doesn’t seem to work that way. But in the life of a plant, perhaps being plucked is in some strange way that we don’t understand the same were I not here to pluck them.

But really a garden is an ecosystem that we create. We do our best to maintain what our living creatures need and give nature that extra little push that she needs at times to create a beautiful oasis of life. And if we’re really lucky and really feel the life that we are nudging her to create, nature rewards us with beauty and life that can be beyond the imagination!

And what a thrill it is to help nature work the magic that she does. To see the beauty that is life unfold before our very eyes! To realize that yes, we must have done something to create the harmony of life that she wants to see for she generally destroys that which is not harmonious or cannot fit into the world in harmony.

As humans and especially as humans who have had hep C, we tend to know these things in a deeper or more profound way then others. We can feel the powers of nature within us just as we felt them when we treated to beat the monster. We sort of learn in a way we'd never thought of just how nature works for you see, when we do our treatments, we give nature that little nudge that she needs to bring us back into the harmony that she craves so much. We find a way to give nature that little bit of help that creates the oasis that is us. We find a way to fight, like a tree that has rooted in the small crevice on the face of a sheer rock wall saying, "Sure I have a little problem but I will overcome this problem and yes I will live!"

Never believe for even a moment that the beauty inside of you cannot be made more beautiful. Never believe that nature has cast you aside. This is not the way she works. No, instead she seeks harmony and as hard as the treatments may seem, she takes that desire to become a more harmonious person and uses that for you see, when it comes to our lives, nature WANTS to see the beauty that is you as much as you do!

So fight on my friends! Never waver from the path of life no matter how long it takes. You have a friend in nature that desires the same thing as you! And when you reach the end of that long hard fight and blossom into the beauty that she seeks as much as you do, well then you can look around and see that yes, I am in harmony and more importantly you will see that it was worth it all for you have created a kind of beauty that you never knew existed.

The flower of your soul and harmonious body has bloomed!

Have a great week my friends,

Chuck "OOB"

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