
Showing posts from 2012

~ Merry Christmas ~ and ~ Happy New Year ~ 2013

Determination and Perseverence " Wanted Dragon Hides " HCV Hepatitis C Virus Does not discriminate medical  and dental negligence can spread this blood borne virus to anyone.  We Will Not Be Silenced. Come share your stories and we share our hearts with you. The following post is from Chuck, he has been with us for almost eight years Kat : Host Of Hep c Out Of Bounds We'll Leave A Light On For You

"OOB" The Stuff Of Legends By: Chuck

16697.1   Good morning my friends, I hope this week finds you well. The other day I found myself reflecting back to the days when I had to fight the dragon. I do this often because it was such a strange part of my life but also one of revelations and of finding myself even as I plunged deeper into the treatments. I was lucky enough to have an easy fight, although at the time it didn’t seem like it. I was one of the first in our state to do the shorter 16 week treatment and thankfully it worked! Thing is, sixteen weeks was just long enough for me to understand the basics of what we go through during treatments. That’s why I never envy those who must fight the long battle though I do respect you very much for hanging in there no matter what and never believing in anything but success. What I see here at OOB is the stuff of legends. Even though our battle is fought inside, it’s still a battle like no other! And the reality is that only those who have gone though it understand th...
" Hep C Out of Bounds "   2013 " Pro-Treatment Pro-Success " for those with or concerned about Hepatitis C, we are here for you and we have all been dealing with hepatitis c.   We have BradlyBones as the conductor on the " Triple Treatment Train " and the newly recognized all oral hep c killers, wow no more Interferon for most people and that is a real blessing. we will share our experiences with you to guide you into making the best choices available for you to succeed in living as healthy as possible with hep c or beating hep c into undetectability forever.   It's time for a change and "Hep C Out Of Bounds" has come back for you. Positive thoughts and actions are key in living with any illness until we defeat it !   We are in our eighth year of hep c support and we have a lot to offer, come check it out and you'll see for yourself. Chat rooms are available, you are welcomed to open them anytime. There is nothing b...


   Tranquility   Its Monday! Last day of February which means to most of you that spring is coming! Boooooo! Here we are having a big snow storm I’m planning on being out skiing in it as much as I can. Isn’t life grand!!! There is actually a reason why I like to be outside in a snowstorm. It’s the sound. I love the sound of snow falling to the ground. Have you ever been at a place that quite that you can here that? I love that sound, It’s a hissing sound. It has to be very quite. Then theres the wind. Now  really I have not had the chance to really hear that noise this year. I have stayed out of the cold as to not overtax my body while on TX. I did it and got an infection in my lungs and that’s when I took a few steps back. But now I’m feeling good, strong and ready and I’m prepared, dressed right in ski gear and all. One time I was in Jackson Hole skiing in a blinding blizzard. They was mabe 2-3 feet O\of fresh power. I had planned the ...

MggieBlue's Poems


MggieBlue Writes A Hep c Poem For All

I went to the doctor, my tummy is ill He said I was fine and gave me a pill I went to the clinic cuz my side hurt bad The nurse was busy and just got mad There s nothing wrong I heard her say Just another patient and another day Doctor ,Doctor cant you see its not in my head Ive got Hep C She went to the doctor a mother of three Her neck was swollen her skin itchy Cancer you have and these drugs will do That Non A Non b thing is nothing to you Cancer didnt kill her, the drugs they used did They said good bye, each one of the kids Doctor, doctor cant you see Its not in her glands Shes got Hep C  I went to the doctors my platelets were low Your fine, have surgery, we really dont know But this pain in my muscles and pain in my bone? The time spent trying to get well, I want to groan Your young, your healthy you will heal real quick Im actually  feeling  sick sick sick Doctor ,Doctor cant you see Its not in my head Ive go...

Dreams Really Do Come True By: Chuck

16576.1   Good morning my friends,   I had a dream the other night that reminded me of a true experience I once had. It started on a bright cheery day as I drove to the base of Grey’s peak, a Colorado fourteener. I got my gear together and set off up the path to the top. When I was about three quarters of the way up the mountain, climbing in the last of the scrubby trees that live high on the slopes I saw the tip of a thunderhead coming over the top of the mountain. Knowing quite well that lightning is the number one cause of death when climbing in Colorado, I took off my pack and set out a plastic tarp to sit on while I waited for the storm to pass.   The storm did hit the peak of this mountain with a fury and I watched as people on the top that were caught unaware hunkered down after the first blast of lightning. And then a second blast hit the peak and they just dove off of the top into a crevasse filled with snow. They rode the snow down to the end and ...

Steve Vai " For The Love Of God "


race for the cure


Painting: TrashCanPoetEffect


" Being positive never hurt anyone, but being negative harms the world "

 It's amazing how we cope.  " We Have The Choice To Make Ourselves Happy Or Miserable It Takes The Same Amount Of Effort "   Yes they let me get away with saying it, after all when you really think about it life is tough for everyone.  We are faced with challenges on a daily basis.  People that are afraid and secretly suffering with hep c symptoms or tx side effects, and the stigma imposed by ignorance, tend to isolate themselves from the world, because it is too harsh for us to deal with at times.  This little quote, at least gives us a choice about how we adapt to our circumstances therefore, putting ones general outlook in a safer, higher place.  We protect each other the  best we know how, and without sugar coating the truth.  At times, some people turn their backs on hep c, and I don't blame them at all growth and happiness are in the best interest of us all.   Sometimes we end up l...

Together We Will Prevail


~The Cloud Fantasy~ By: Chuck

16248.1   Good morning my friends, As often happens in life, I recently found myself thinking back to those days of treatments. Even though I had a relatively short tx (16 weeks), the thing that struck me the most was how the whole experience can seem so endless. We just get tired of feeling like crap all the time. Sure, there’s things we can do to ease the sides, but as far as I know, no one has come up with a way to completely eliminate them and as such, the way we feel during treatments is just a part of the overall experience. A sad fact and yet true. The second thing that struck me is how I remembered time. At times it felt like there was no real thread to time. Just a seemingly endless present with that constant nagging headache and those wonderful mornings after the shot day. Kind of like the hangover without the fun of creating it. That’s why it was important to me to celebrate the end of each week. It was the one time that I could clearly see that yes, time was pass...

The Lighthouse Through The Storm "OOB"

16229.1   Good morning all, I hope things are well with you all. We had a massive thunderstorm come through the other day. Just a single giant cell that came over and dumped a good three inches of rain in a half an hour along with a bunch of hail. The high winds and lightning just added to the effect. And then as the storm moved off and the sun peaked out, a beautiful double rainbow appeared off in the distance, shimmering in the newly found sun. It reminded me of just how small we humans are when it comes to nature. Thing is, our universe lives within our own perceptions. It’s probably the only way we could stay sane. After all, just thinking of the vastness of nature is a hard concept to grasp. This is why in a way we create our own environment around us. We cope with as much as our brains will allow us to cope with. I think when something like a diagnoses for hepatitis C hits us that we close our universe even more tightly around us. This isn’t really a bad thing. It’s ju...

" The Day The World Listened "

  We the people of the greatest country in the world have the right to bear arms to protect our families from predatory individuals.  We the people of the USA have the right to protest our government when there has been horrific discrimination and neglect concerning the untimely deaths of millions of people infected with the hepatitis c virus via blood transfusions, iv drug use, medical procedures, air gun vaccines.  NOW is the time to take action in hopes of raising awareness and rising above the stigma associated with this blood borne killer of Americans and Canadians.  They are compensated in Canada for receiving tainted blood, there is no price tag to compensate a lifelong battle against this hideous disease.  This is only a measure used to calm the population into silence.  NO MORE......SILENCE The 2012 hugfest was the best time of my life. However seeing all of these people I've loved for the last eight years of running "Hepc Out ...

Baby Boomers Finally Warned about hepc.

This post is to cause baby boomers all over the world to get as angry as we are, that the wonderful CDC is just announcing for all of us to be screened.  Well thanks CDC,  My Forum  "Hep C Out Of Bounds"  has suffered great losses, thousands of people are dying while you are out there making sure your tie is on straight.  Baby Boomers we need to reunite in this day and age with a good old fashioned protest. The Day The World Listened...  Anyone care to walk for your state?  Let's begin a revolution against the travesties of keeping this disease under the carpet in the oval office as well.  The fine government of the USA has also been keeping a tight lid on the numbers of air gun vaccines that spread hepatitis c to millions of our very beloved servicemen and women They don't like paying for expensive treatments or paying for liver transplants, they sit quietly and do nothing hoping to outlive the need.  Millions of lives...

~HUGFEST 2012~

 HUGFEST 2012 The best party on earth !  The first of many to come  Kat "Hep c Out Of Bounds" Delphi Forums Health & Wellness "OOB"
15999.1   Good morning my friends, For so many, the battle continues. The fight is constant and at times it can seem so very overwhelming in light of what we must put ourselves through in order to win our lives back. Though it’s a worthwhile fight, it’s still one that can seem so endless as we work through it. It’s important to remember the reasons why we’re willing to do this because these reasons are not only what makes us human, it’s also what makes us incredible humans. You see, we have to make a kind of peace with ourselves in order to achieve a thing that otherwise might not be so achievable. We have to understand our love for life and we have to keep our reasons for continuing on with the battle close to the heart lest we lose our momentum or even the very belief in ourselves that got us to begin the journey in the first place. As the time passes we must never lose that resolve that got us going. We must never lose the hope that keeps us fighting. We must never ...

Monday DOS By: Chuck

15987.1   Good morning OOB, Well, yet another week has passed. For those on treatments that can be important because it means you are that much closer to the end of that phase in your life. For others it means that a simple measurement of time has passed in our world. A measurement that is created by us in order to bring some semblance of order to our world. As humans we’re quite good at creating concepts within our minds that can help us to understand things or even live things that would normally be very hard to do. For example, we have the ability to understand the passage of time giving us the ability to set up goals based on that measurement. We have the ability to analyze our own thoughts and emotions to the point of changing them if we so desire. This in itself can change the nature of our days and weeks to something a little more tolerable if we desire to do so. Me; I do this all the time. I search and I search within myself until I can find that little glimmer...