Dance like no one is watching

"OOB" Family
Be at peace and understanding in your own life
as changes are inevitable,
the world turns weather we are on it or not,
and so it goes...take inventory and ask yourselves
if you are truly happy.
Have you done everything you wanted in your lifetime
Is there a dream left unfulfilled,
Is there any possibility it can become a reality for you,
When will you be ready to find out?
And what are the first steps in making it happen
" No matter what obstacles are along the way
keep your courage and resolve as sharp as your swords "
We are "Out Of Bounds"
a force to be shared and built upon
the strongest foundation holds the strongest fort and we are the guardian soldiers that have been torn and ravaged by a preventable virus.
The battle hymn keeps playing, and the faint of heart need our help.
We will not cower to the beast we show no fear we move forward and carry the torch of love for all of our lost comrades, while connecting with the newcomers forever and ever, Amen
" Dare To Dream, Dare To Do, Dare To Be.....
I Love You;

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