~ To Whom It May Concern ~

My name is Kathi
To whom it may concern :

I live in Kentucky, in 1992 it was discovered by the Red Cross that I had Hepatitis C .
I was mailed a letter informing me to seek out an infectious disease doctor.
That really scared me because I didn't understand what it was. His words were I have some good news and some bad news, You don't have aids but you have active hepatitis c an incurable disease and would probably die from it in two to five years.
I spent the next few weeks in shock, my brother went to the university and copied
all information he could find.
I began reading and in between the tears, finding out I needed a Gastroenterologist,
I found one and told him I know what treatment is and I want it now.
The papers from the university said it was hard to get unless a person demands it.
He did tests to see if it was active,
it was chronic active hep c .

I requested him to come into the operating room and get the liver biopsy while I was under for a hysterectomy. He did so.
Then ordered the alpha interferon for me.
I was mild to moderate liver inflammation. Thirteen days after the operation they gave me my first shot, those side effects were horrific.
1st tx
I stayed on treatment 3 million units three times a week for six months. Then at six months post treatment I was told I failed to respond.
(ME FAIL?) no way....
I was their first hep c patient. So all of us were being educated.
2 nd tx
I demanded a rematch, so it was another six months of the same and another
(failed to respond).
I worked when I felt good enough, my second treatment I slipped down a small flight of wooden steps herniating a disc.
I heard a new drug was on the horizon called Ribavirin to go with my Alpha Interferon 1a
so I immediately went to the
gastro and demanded it.
3 rd tx
This time Dr. put me on shots three times a week and Riba six pills a day for forty eight weeks, wow the sides were the worst yet. Forty eight weeks and the same results (Failed to respond)
Now I was losing my patience.
I was extremely determined
to kill that virus no matter what.

4 th tx
I asked the Dr. to give me the most he could. He put me on 5 million units every other day (20 million units a week) plus Ribavirin for another forty eight weeks .
My viral load came down to 15,000 I was happy. I took a five year break because I felt I could not handle another . I was ravaged from the last treatment.
I was only trying to stay alive after that.
I also had 2 other biopsies during that time but do not remember the stages. I have all copies of every blood test and biopsies but the amount is staggering.

I was referred to another Dr. because when I was ready to try again the gastro's office was so full of hepc patients he decided it was too much for him to handle, he suffers with Chron's disease himself.
So I go to this new Dr. that is a Gastroenterologist and board certified Hepatologist.
Sounds right to me I get an appointment
and meet the kindest most caring Dr. I have ever met.
Dr. Ben Cecil
He knows all about hep c
I didn't have to teach him a thing .
He does a biopsy and I was a 3/4 in 2004
my viral load has always been close
to a million but never over that.
5 th tx
He gave me all the options and I chose Pegasys and co pegus. I did 16 out of 18 months of weekly injections and 6 copegus (Ribavirin) daily.
I cleared in 10 months, and had to be cut off at 16 months because of copegus for chest pain and gastroenteritis.
At the end of treatment (30 days) I was told I had relapsed...
I waited two months and started in Infergen Daily shots and Ribavirin The first five weeks of treatment I cleared the virus.
I continued with a lower dose of Infergen
and they tried to reintroduce me to Ribavirin a little at a time, but that wasn't going to work well for me.
I stayed on maintenance dose for a total of 23 months...until February 15th of 2007

312 weeks treatment total = 6 years actually on shots.
Oooops you didn't ask for the whole story but... There it is....
My children made my determination strong to live.
God helped me make it through.
I am here for one reason, and that is to help you......to the best of my ability.
Love and Blessings; Kat & "OOB"
"Hepatitis C Out Of Bounds" & "Hep C Out Of Bounds.org"

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