Beware Of Imposters

Hello World !
This is Kat the owner of " Hep C Out Of Bounds "
It has been brought to my attention that some people are trying to hack into my email and face book accounts and also posing as helpers for my website well I have deleted all unwanted stalkers and their kind, and I assure you this will not be tolerated.
You wouldn't believe the numbers of jealous people that try to stop what we have because they are so afraid their husbands will seek out my help , I had no idea there were so many haters out there.
To all of the women that feel insignificant or left out of their mates lives I must pray for you because you are truly lost.
I don't want your mates all I try to do is give them a place to come and talk with other hep c affected individuals so they don't feel alienated by the cruel world.
I see now it is your jealousy that keeps them from getting the help they so desperately need and you are the ones at fault by sealing their coffins with your inadequacies and your feelings of betrayal at the cost of their very lives.
Shame on you for being so weak and petty shame on you for making them the victims of your own vengeance.
There is only one
" Hep C Out Of Bounds "
and that is me
God is the " Power and The Glory "

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