Hep C Out Of Bounds

Hello Again !

I have something on my mind that needs to be discussed by anyone that cares about people affected by HepB or HepC
"Out Of Bounds" was created by a man that had been diagnosed with the virus and he immediately jumped into action to find the best support online for himself, only to find a lot of discontented and disgrundled people that are all in this website self stroking egocentric nonsense and drama that we can find very easily.
My question to these people is while you are out there caught up in this "WEB GAME" of who has the biggest and the best (ego) who is in the support sites helping people?
Do any of you think you are actually helping people by writing slanderous things about my best friend and mentor in the world?
Please get off of your throne Mr. Peter F. you have been perched on it too long. There are dying people in these rooms do you think you can do any better? You tried to get into "Out of Bounds" several times and guess who banned your ISP'S ? I love taking the credit for your dismissal because you are in the hep c business of destroying people. I have treated six times and almost died twice from the meds. I am now SVR and I stand proud of the man that you continue to bash even after his death. You should be too ashamed to look in the mirror when you brush your teeth every morning, how do you do it? In the dark? I have a book coming soon so get your lights back on and save a few nickels it's going to cost you to read it. Who is the winner here? "Out Of Bounds" People are the winners because we care for everyone with hep c and b.
I wouldn't allow anyone in my site that was as destructive to the whole hepatitis community as you are. Step back and maybe you can hear some truth ring from my letter, please get yourself some professional help because you might need it. I could help you find the right support if you decide you would rather live happy than beating yourself up because you didn't clear, I am very sorry that you didn't truly. Kat Loves Good People ! See I'm Happy !

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