Showing posts from 2008
This is my view
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Guess what I see in you? Another strong winner, sometimes life an be so cruel and the way we handle our reactions speaks volumes to everyone around us. That is what draws people to learn in a different way ,God has called me to fight for people that cannot fight for themselves, I stand firm in my belief that we are all going to learn from each other, and change the face of hep c from the dirty faced man on the cover of a magazine to a happier and beautiful smile for those that can be cured. Nothing can change by waiting for someone else to do it, if it's going to be then it must be me.! I know in my heart we are all meant to be here right now in this very moment it took a disease for us to cross paths in life and for this we will all grow into more compassionate and genuine people. "LOVE isn't gazing into each others eyes but looking forward in the same direction", for the end of hep c forever. Great things are at our fingertips, and when we help people we ul...
* A New Letter From Lou*
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I bargained with life for a penny, and life would pay no more However I begged at evening when I counted my scanty score For life is just an employer he gives you what you ask but once you have set the wages why you must bear the task I worked for a menial hire, only to learn dismay That any wage I had asked of life Life would have willingly paid Read that bad boy again. This poem can be applied to money or to the goals like killing the dragon. The goal is large for that wage, the payment would be the eradication of the disease. The wage is high, therefore the "task" is also, But it is all equal isn't it? We can work for a" menials hire" chump change and accept a little awareness, and some menial funding from the government, or we can go for the whole ball of wax. I'm not bargaining with life for a penny. In 5-10 years I want the reward of seeing hepc being beaten, but that also means the the task that must be prepaid is ...
"Moving Forward Never Back"
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A wretched soul, bruised with adversity, We bid be quiet when we hear it cry; But were we burdened with like weight of pain, As much or more we should ourselves complain. Action is eloquence. And since you know you cannot see yourself, so well as by reflection, I, your glass, will modestly discover to yourself, that of yourself which you yet know not of. And thus I clothe my naked villainy With old odd ends, stol'n forth of holy writ; And seem a saint, when most I play the devil Assume a virtue, if you have it not. Be great in act, as you have been in thought. William Shakespeare Good Morning Out Of Bounds, ***** Out Of Bounds Delphi ***** Taking it to another level, it is my main focus and before I'm gone you will know a piece of my heart is here just like Lou. I hope the hep c war is on the brink of being solved, but until then it is our duty as loving people and Gods Messengers to do the right thing. Our ability ...
"OOB" WE'll Leave A Light On For You
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I am getting things that have been in planning for over four years now, and putting them into action ! As you know he taught us unconditional love and how to be winners ! With the magical insight, vision and fierce determination he single handedly put Delphi on the charts for being the most interesting and controversial website and chatroom in the U.S.A. Hands down , people like you that have come here and still support our visions are valued beyond anything material in life. You are part of that vision and this will always be your home, hep c sufferers if you are new or one of the wonderful people still here helping others, you are valued for your honesty, integrity, and inherent gift of compassion. I am just a very small part of the successful things that will come from this endeavor. I am counting on you to help out in the chatroom and on the message boards, it is your light I draw from and give back to you, a magnificent gift to all hep c affected people in the world. Nothing i...
"Would You Know My Name"
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To Lou, My best friend and mentor you have lived hard,worked hard, and played hard your whole life God put us together in 2004 when I asked for direction, it was you he sent. Together for the last four years we have been side by side in helping people affected by hep c we took the time and patience to make sure we made a difference, and you my most beloved friend even went so far as to save my life three times. What can I say to a man that has given me everything? Just a simple thank you and the vow to keep our websites up and running helping more and more people arriving everyday searching for compassion and love . You taught me everything I know about being a positive force in the hep c world and I will be forever in your heart as you are in mine as I take our dream and continue to do great things with you by my side. To Lou's Father and Family I am so very sorry for your loss I know what all of you meant to him. I am going to take this opportunity to invite all o...
" Time For A Change"
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Yes it is 9/11 And to look back now I wonder where this country would be today had it not happened. I don't know about you but after that day when neighbors sat close by, and drivers were careful to each other, everyone had a sense of compassion for one another because we all remember how devastating it was and we were all in shock. Same thing for hep c applies here you know the deal, we are here because we have compassion for one another and anyone else in the world affected by hep c. Where would each of us be right now if we didn't get a virus? We would be out sailing , and sky diving, or mountain climbing ! I would have lived life to its fullest each and every day Some will say I would have been so much more than I am today, and others will say it has made my life difficult, and sometimes painful, but I will survive no matter what tries to get in the way ! I will fight this disease and "WIN" !!! I am stronger because I have knowledge I feel safe because...
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As I read all of your true concerns for me and for Lou, I am listening and learning from all of you. I know everything that has happened in the past and it was very painful for both of us. That is why he built OOB.org for me, to protect me from all of this heartache. I am strong, and I am very fragile as I go through the forum and allow these people to at least have their last say. I want it to be a healing time for all of us no matter how difficult it is for me, this is about the man I cherished, and he taught me real love for all people. As all of you know he was a brilliant man. I think people felt threatened by his genius because everyone wants to be intelligent and gifted as Lou, no one could ever fill his shoes and it must be taken as an opportunity to make this place better than ever before by finding the good in everyone. So with his death I will hopefully teach some of his love to you and to the people that tried so hard to hurt him. ...
" Out Of Bounds"
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It is with very deep sadness that I come to you with the news that my co host of the last four years has passed away unexpectedly. His name is Lou Buratti and he has done more for the hepatitis c community than most ever think of doing. He will be missed by thousands of people that we have helped over the years. We both defeated the hep c virus and were a very positive force in the hep c community. This loss of life as we know is temporary as we will meet again in heaven at a later time. Lou Buratti was a very intelligent and caring man, and absolutely the most wonderful person I have ever been blessed knowing. I will continue our dream of loving and supporting anyone going through the journey of treatments and making sure that quality of life is the best it can be for you the hep c sufferer. His life will always be remembered and cherished because he was one in ten million, and he gave everything he could to helping others. He is now a legend and I will carry his torch f...
From Lou
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Good morning, Last night was the OOB support group and as usual it was packed. We are coming up on three years. I wanted to just tell a couple of stories I heard there that really threw me. First there was a young girl. She went to have testing done and before they even had the results a nurse practitioner said she had end stage liver disease and would die within two years. She switched doctors and hospitals and found out she had geno 3b and has no fibrosis and she has over a 70% percentage of clearing. Talk about bad info. Then there was a man who did two shots, he vomited and they took him off of treatment. Which is definitely the worst thing to do. First they should have taken him off the riba and see if that was the problem. If not lowered his Infergen dose, but he has stage four fibrosis which they told him he had cirrhosis. Totally horrible protocol. The good part of these stories is we got them hooked up with a REAL HepC doctor. I heard more bad and incorrect info...
Good Morning Lou & "OOB" !!!
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Lou I wish I could say it surprised me to hear that, when in fact it is more rampant today than ever before it simply means there are not enough Hepatologist's or Gastrologist's to handle the growing numbers of hep c diagnosed patients today. The projected increase due to awareness and advocacy work has proven to be very effective, but not to the point that it is no longer needed, it is more important today than ever before as your post suggests the physicians assistant is taking all of the overflow, and they are not qualified to visualize the entire picture. It is a shame that people are given the wrong information and might be led astray from doing the treatments that could possibly save their lives. It saddens me, and it has happened to me as well, nothing was maliciously intended but they are humans just like us and they are not without error. When a persons life is on the line if they don't have a computer or support group, they are lost in today's w...
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Great Saturday Morning "Out Of Bounds" You know I have been told many times by people that meet us in chat and then later join us here on the site, that when they first came into the chatroom there was something different about it that they couldn't explain. As you well know I am as silly and funny as I can be for us that have been around for a long time together. We are comfortable with each other and our main goal is to keep you smiling. That is a very important part of doing the chatrooms, leaving for the night with a smile on our faces, and hopefully a renewed sense of normalcy. But back to the subject when we meet these people that say "I felt something in the room that was comfortable and special, it was like I was supposed to be here for some strange reason", when I hear that I immediately know what they are saying. I recognize it as another person that has been led to us, I have seen this a hundred times since 2004. It isn't a coinciden...
Are You Gifted
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Good Morning "Out Of Bounds" Look inside yourself today and find that one thing you have been born with as a gift, open it up and share it with all of us . I know there are some good qualities in everyone, especially the people that give their time here making OOB a site that is very different than any other on the internet. We believe very strongly in the freedom of speech here, and you really don't see a lot of it on a support site, We feel it is everyones right to voice their opinions, and to have a place to vent or just coment on anything you wish. We have some very powerful messages here, and sometimes it might seem that we are all happy go lucky glad to be here type individuals, which is fine to an extent, but we are family and we have differences, I for one am probably the most guilty of sugarcoating. I admit that, hell life is a bitch sometimes, and for people on treatment it really sucks, so that's the reason our open threads are so important. We need to hea...
What's In Store For You?
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Good Morning "Out Of Bounds Family" It's Saturday, what is in store for you? If you search for ways to improve your life, you will find it. If you worry what's going to happen next, then something is about to land in your life that might not be so pleasant. If you plan your day in a positive way, sure something might change but the list will still have the focus on your direction, it's all depending on your attitude. Self talk, thoughts, and desires are very powerful instruments if they are used in a positive manner. You first think of one thing that would make a difference today. Write it down, read it out loud , smile and act on it. It can be something small or something very productive, the first step is to let your mind open to new ideas. Allow yourself to dream, then omit the frivolous , keep the attainable goal write it down read it out loud and act on it. Dare to step out of the ordinary , dare to change, dare to act. lol I'm...
The Reasoning Behind The Upsidedown Orchid
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Joyous Wednesday Morning "OOB" This is a picture from our blogspot, I typed in: Hep c people and looked for images found some really nice ones, and then saw (OURS) That was a nice surprise for me as I didn't know it would be there. I don't know if you have ever seen the blog before, so I wanted to share with you the meaning of the upside down orchid. As you know orchids are very delicate and fragile "like humans are as well" and if not properly cared for will simply wither and die if not kept in the right humidity, warmth, and sunlight. The upside down orchid is all of us affected by hep c, we are trying so hard to survive through the most difficult of circumstances reaching toward the light to grasp every ray of hope, and collecting the water from each other when times get to hard. Fragile loving humans that care more for each other sometimes than ourselves is why we are here, it takes every single one of us to support the most fragile in the best way we k...
Are You Using Your Gifts?
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Creativity imagination dreaming, all these are God given abilities it is up to every person to utilize their talents whether or not it becomes something you can put your hands on. In the end you have grown you have learned something. Every wonderful invention started out as someones imagination. I wonder if I could? As small children it is natural curiosity and innocence that fuel their brilliance, then the world and the rules hinder what might have become, some say the formative years are between birth and age six. I strongly disagree it is yet another limit that has been imposed by the small minded so called teachers of the day. A pet is only as smart as it's owner, same goes for humans. They teach them to sit, heel and shake hands presto that's it? No no no the job is never ending the mind is never stretched to it's full capacity. The power in everyone is compiled from their limitless capabilities, that my friends is what makes everyone so unique ! We have each been give...
*Hitch Your Wagon To A Star*
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Just remember we are all in this together, there's nothing that can stop us from staying close and beating this virus into the ground, as long as we share with one another, our ideas, our aches and pains, our battles, we all become stronger. It is a miracle that some of us have made it this long, fighting, falling down getting up dusting our jeans off and getting right back on that horse. YES it can be done no matter how many times you get thrown off course, you can still win. I am living breathing proof , you can be a non responder, an undetected, and a relapse, and come right back into the battle and defeat the hep c virus. 6 times I have treated and the last one was the one it took to finish it off forever. No matter what you do in life give it your everything. It is your chance to win and you must take it. Never listen to anyone that tells you oh let's wait for a better TX. You don't have hep c real bad yet. I'm telling you this from all of my experiences with hep c...